Saturday, December 19, 2009

2nd Semester Ended

Well i'm actually sad that 2nd semester ended. It seems like it went by really fast.
The reason why 2nd semester was awesome is the 3 kitchen classes.
I will miss baking cuz  the chef there is hilarious and so friendly. And the looong breaks we got in class too lol....oh yeah, i'm gonna miss the kitchen aid :(

And then there is World Cuisine class, i will really miss my awesome team i worked with there. Working with those guys was fun, and we got our shit done fast. I will miss team awesome-o.

And the one i will miss most is NARC class. The chef who teaches it is really encouraging, fun, generous, motivating and just plain awesome! First day what he said was "Dont ask. Just take watever shit you can find in the fridge and make whatever you like"
Gonna miss his childish pranks and teasing too. :)

Well semester i have only two kitchen class :( ...and TWO was hard to handle one theory class at 2nd semester. Probably i should keep lumps of sugar with me from now on in school...

So yeah now begins my two-weeks break. 

AND! In 4days my buddie from Montreal is coming to Vancouver!! XD 
Yes I've been excited and waiting for 3weeks now!

Well Tooodles my noodles! 

Friday, December 4, 2009

Stupid Skytrain Rant

Yes, now its time for me to let off some rants about our lovely skytrain  :)

Lets start with the fucked up skytrain ride today:

I caught the train around 8:30
The bloody train would stop on the tracks before the station for 3mins and then wait at the station for 5mins....
My trip time has always been it took me freaking 15minutes!!

Few people were really late to class cuz of that....except for them the train would stop at the station and then go backwards and then forwards and then backwards....

Now about yesterday:
It was 9:15am and the train was freaking packed... so i wait (with the other people) to let the passengers out before we go in...
.and then as soon as we are about to step inside the door slams shut!....and then the train just stood there for a while and left.....that was just fucked up!

So apparently 34 new trains were introduced this year........
AND! there are 14 more to come....

Seriously?........they are spending money on 'upgrading' station with pretty constructions.......spend the fucking money on a better system! one that doesn't malfunction!!

OH! apparently Translink is 'considering' a fare increase which might (will be) affective from April 2010  (news here )

Toodles mon amigos!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Dream Kitchen Gadget

Yes i have the ultimate kitchen gadget that i want sooooo badly!

Its the awesome kitchenaid professional 600 stand mixer!!

I want one so freaking badly! .i mean i will never have to buy bread, or cookie or cakes or pies or whip cream!,,that thing is so fucking awesome! XD ..but the lowest price i've seen is $400... that is out of my budget at this moment..

Oh well i guess i have to wait until i have enough mooollahs to buy one....might be a long time
sssiiiggghhh .....fuck student loan and high tuition fee! ,!,(-_-),!,

Oh got my midterm result back and its bad _| ̄|○
...not so happy with highest grade is B+ ....which is not good cuz i'm aiming for A! (≧ロ≦)

GRRAAAHHH!!...ssigh oh well....tooodles!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Baking Class

So every monday i have "intro to baking" class.
That class is the perfect class on monday morning...were most of my fellow students are nursing the weekends aftermath

The baking class is pretty laid back.... things are done quick and we have a lot of down time because we gotta wait for the stuff to finish baking or rising or watever

Anywhoo this is what we do during down time....

LEGION OF PENISES                               An (almost) accurate model of a penis
yeah...somehow the extra dough lying around either becomes little missiles you shoot at someone or put it down someones always they become penises..... i think someone actually baked one of those lol

Oh yeah...mondays are fun lol way to start off the week in school

Anywhoo midterm and 2 practical left to do  XD
...damn this semester is going fast...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Its bitching time!! ^_^

Yeehaw! time for me to have a little bitching time...oh yeah this is my little break from midterm studying...

Let me start by bitching about school....

Twice a day per week during school i have to deal with (or be in presence of)  a cocky-rude-dumbass-son-of-an-anal -licking-donkey!
The first impression of this 'donkey' will not be a good one but that pretty much sets what you can expect from him.....nothing......just give up all will  be for the better.....

Anywhoo the thing is i worked with him 3times and that is enough for me.......i would have ended up hurting him if it continued..... But still its painful when i see my other classmates suffer when working  with him.....although it is entertaining when someone yells at him

I just cant wait till midterm.... its gonna be fun watching him crash and burn mwahhahahah......

But other than is going good ...although i think there might be one class where i would be lucky to get a B -__-  .....fuck i guess no full house of A's this semester....i can predict it kinda, even though there is 7weeks left

TOOOODLES!! i go make a voodoo doll now mwahahhahah


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bags of Pot

Just happened last night at my work.

Someone dumped two black garbage bag of marijuana aka pot

So we called the cops and.....they didn't care -___-

So pretty much i think i've seen everything that happens at work...

From people shitting themselves to boobs being flashed to finding streaks of poo up and down several aisles to store stinking like a sewer...oh yeah and customer being 'hulk-smashed' by another customer....

sssiiiiggghhh.....never a dull moment there lol

well toodles!....i'll write another blog soon about my awesome time at 2nd semester..and also bitch about not so awesome things lol

Thursday, October 1, 2009

TV on the bus

..that's right its 'on' the bus, not 'in' the bus

...i've been awake since 330am...and couldnt fall asleep for two hours....then i figured out why...

cuz i was hungry... lol  ....i guess its cuz i didnt have time to eat dinner last night...meh

anywhoo...the TV on the bus thing...

i was coming home from work and caught the  #25 UBC bus... and i was blinded by a huge ass tv on the side of it. About 3 to 4 feet tall and 8 feet wide.

It was advertising only the 'Telus TV' thing... but that tv was so bright that the bus stop looked like it was in daylight!

okie dokie now i go back to sleep.....yes i just ate now and im sleepy :P


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Silver First Semester Ended

It went by pretty fast. Gotta say i loved it....well except for some lecture classes which kinda seemed to drag and also cuz you just sit there for 3hr or so.....

So good news! I came in second place (thus silver medal) for my school's Black Box Competition. Which seriously i didnt expect at all....

What does Black Box mean? You work or cook what is given to you and you have no idea what it is until the competition starts. And you are only given 2hrs, if you go over you are disqualified.

So its like a mystery box......(i think they should change it to 'Mystery Box')..... Thankfully for this semester it was chicken.
And unfortuanately i was really into finishing my dish and sending it that i forgot to take a pic of when i did it was half eaten by the judges lol

And that is my dish!!
Balsamic Pan-Roasted Chicken
Whole wheat Saffron-Raisin Rice
Lotus Root Chips
Zuchini & Turnip Roses
Rolled-up Carrot Braid
the little squiggle of green there is just blanched chives

As you can see...they didnt touch the vegetables lol.....apparently noone wanted to take it apart cuz it looked pretty
Well next semester...i want GOLD!!! XD ....and gonna join the school's competition club...i'm hooked after i want to go out there and bring it on!

One bad thing right now....its been one and half hour since i have been awake...and im really bored already -___- ...... i want schoooool now! (yes i just said that)..... two week break is too long! >_<

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well next week are my finals. Currently i have 3 more to go.
Just had my practical yesterday., and got 77%...i lost 10% cuz of my Hollandaise sauce...(that stupid shitty, shit tasting sauce)
And my knife cuts lacks uniformity...other than that meh...i wish to be retested :P

Anywhooo! I will be studying my brains off :D ..just three written ones to do ....i'm aiming to get straight A's!! XD
Now one semester done...three more to go!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Well i have a list of restaurants that i wanna check out cuz they are labeled as 'best'

Well i'm curious to see what makes them so and taste the food. But first and foremost gotta have the money lol
Anywhoo here is my list, for now:

  1. The Pear Tree: blend of European and Canadian cuisine
  2. Flying Tiger: Asian street food type menu, the chef there used to teach at my school
  3. Salt: its a type of 'tasting' place, they have artisan cheese, varieties of wine and meat and condiments (unique mustards/sauces)
  4. Le Gavroche: they have classic French cuisine but lighter style 
  5. West: they are dubbed "jewel in Vancouver's culinary crown", menu looks kind of like fusion cuisine
  6. Blue water Cafe: supposed to be really good seafood (raw and cooked) and i like seafood more than meat
  7. Villa del Lupo: it looks like there is mixed review. its i believe Italian/ European cuisine, correct me if i'm wrong
  8. Chambar: its a Belgian restaurant and i'm curious cuz never had Belgian food
  9. Glowbal: all types of cuisine i see on the menu...why i wanna go there cuz of the fooood
So that my list for now....gotta save money! cuz some of those places are pricey. I'll edit this list down the road and cross out names of which i've gone to...but wont be anytime soon lol
This would be a good moment if i inherit a huge fortune or win the lottery (over 20mill.)

Okie dokie! tooodles me amigos!...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Makes me spazy

Just taking a mini breather from my homework now.

But i started thinking... what will make me squeal, shriek and/or scream like a fan girl or like a ditz?

And then i knew it and started googling images. Not porno okay, just to clarify for the ones who are dirty minded....

Anywho i started googling:
Shirota Yuu - saw him in Hana Kimi
Gackt - cant stop drooooling....
Hyde - saw him in Moonchild with Gackt but also like his music
Oguri Shun -  Gokusen and then Hana Yori Dango (fucking love the manga and anime)
Yamashita Tomohisa - since hmmm...Nobuta i think...but awesome in Kurosagi
Lee Jun Ki - since saw him in My Girl drama and then King and Clown movie
and my oldest candy ever Bae Yong-joon (since i saw him in Winter Sonata drama back in 2002)...(when i got liking boys....)

Yes seeing the pics made me go 'kyaaaa'.....and then i thought if i met them in person i'm gonna be the worst spaz ever! ....hope that never is for the best for both parties....

Anywhooo this was just my blah blah dribble.....tooodles...i go back to my homework now!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



I found my midterm marks for all 4 of  my classes

Three A's and one A-  !!!  -scrrrreaaam and squeeallls-  XD

i'm just so freaking happy now!  Thought i share this with everyone :D
So i'm currently in first semester now btw fyi.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

A very bad kid

I was just bitten by a kid few minutes ago.
The teeth marks left are pretty deep.

Why did he bite me? Lemme explain.

He wanted to play with my kitten Mimi. I refused to let him do so because earlier on he had grabbed her by the tail and swung her around.
Since i said no he threw a bloody fracking tantrum and bit me!
I was already mad at him before that when he hurt Mimi and this time i was really close to smacking him.

What did his mum do? N-O-T-H-I-N-G!  No disciplinary or corrective action whatsoever!

Seriously i hate parents who are just too laid back with their kids and not teaching them any manners or courtesy at all! >_<

Yes i'm still angry now....that asshole kid hurting my lil kitty...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Odd Customers

Oh yeah its that time again about a very good story about some of my customers i deal with.

So it happened today. 70yrs old or so two couples, not so good at english. (they let me know and i could tell anywho)

So i'm just heading to the staff room cuz i'm about to sign off from work. So i see them standing by the condom section. And what happens? They ask me to help them -____-
Yes it has happened before but they were couple in their 40's

So basically the questions were; 'what was it' 'what the use of it' and the one that really threw me off was 'can you show me how to wear it?" O_O

My head went blank at that moment. And i start having this little conversation in my head on 'do i take one out and show?' ...'do i run to the grocery store nearby and get a banana?'.....

But thankgod at that moment a lady who spoke the same language as them offered to help them. And seeing my face she probably felt sorry for me. And honestly thanks to that lady and she did something awesome.
And yes i ran like hell outta there.....and on the side they really bloody need that damn condoms? >_<    ...i mean come on! they can die while in the middle of 'doing it'!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Secure Bus?

So on Monday on my way home from school. I noticed something in the bus.

At first i just stared at it for 2minutes or so....just stared and then finally figured out what i was looking at. Yes that makes me look stupid but hey only time i am actually awake and attentive on Mondays is at my practical class.

Anwyhooo is this what i saw:

The arrows you see there are pointing to the cameras.

That's right all you free-bus-riders and not-fare-payers and also lets not forget the-back-door-enterers you are on camera now! mwahahhaha. (yes they annoy me very much)

I see a reason why there is no money to have a better system where the skytrain actually runs properly without any bloody 'glitches' And also expect another fare increase. For some reason i have a feeling its gonna happen.
Anywhoooo TOOODLES!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lamp-shade Kitty

So my sleep has been kinda blah and crappy since Friday.
Why? Because my lil kitty Mimi just got spayed. She has been pretty attached to me since i brought her back from the vet and since she cant climb onto my bed i've started sleeping on the floor to be near for her.

My body is aching cuz i'm not used to it. Oh well its only another week or so and i'll go back to sleeping on my cushy soft bed.

But i think its also i'm waking up time to time because i get worried that she might take the lamp-shade collar off and start chewing at her surgery site.
Yesterday she had a nightmare. She freaked out and wouldnt let me touch her until she calmed down.
Well today she was pretty normal. Didnt try to take off the collar at all. And she ate food by herself too.

Anywhooo tooodles for now! I took a break from my midterm studying to write this :P

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Weirdest Feeling

So it happened to me just few hours ago.
I was woken up at 6am because i thought someone was calling me and that person was just standing by my bedside.
And guess what? No one was there.
I just felt really confused. I seriously felt someone there. Meh.. i guess it was just a dream then?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fun School!

That right. Those of you who know me will never believe i would say this statement: 'school is fun'. Shield your eyes!  The words 'fun' and 'school' are together in one sentence! Yes the world has ended 3yrs early (read the Mayan Prophecy on it)

Okay so week2 ended and i have 9more weeks to go until the end of semester.
Also means i have about 3weeks till midterm (oi vey -_-)

But honestly i love it! At the end of the day i'm pooped out as hell on school days and i had freaking fun on that day.

It is unfortunate im not as free to go out and or hangout with people. But hey those can be done later. At this moment school is my up most priority. One thing i want most is my hours to be cut down at work so i can participate in school activities. There will be extra lecture or demo classes and even training for an upcoming contest or something.
And i definitely do not want to miss any contest that happens at all!

Gotta start earning awards and recognition now to build my portfolio!!!


ps. sorry to those who read my blog and i havent been posting as much  (ahem ahem ahem james thats you :P)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Downtown Hustle & Bustle

... definitely not my cup of tea i say.

Well i went to downtown just this saturday because i had haircut appointment. Kinda regretted making a weekend appointment but i really needed it.

Anywhoo too many people and just some of them don't seem to have common courtesy.

Whatever happened to saying 'excuse me' instead of body-checking someone out of your freaking way!?

So i realized i'm a suburban/quiet neighbourhood type person. Urban/downtown life not my thing :P

Anywhoooo~ I start school in 7days! XD ...ooh yeah really on that note i say TOOODLES!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Lovely Customers (part 2)

Its time for me to talk about them again! Mwahahahah

I was asked today by a lovely slightly older lady on how to use a certain product. This is how it went:
Lady: Excuse me. How do i use this properly?

Me: Oh you just apply to your wet skin and use razor.

Lady: Why would you use razor on your shoe?

Me: o_o ...ummm that's shaving cream you have there......

Lady: Oh really!? I thought it was shoe polish.

And there you have it! Did i laugh out loud? No. I was just extremely confused on how the heck it was possible to think that way.... -_-


Monday, June 15, 2009

Broken Green Thumb

At this moment my Mummy is outside gardening with one of the neighbors.

Why am i also not outside with her on this beautiful weather and doing some gardening?

Well my 'green-thumb' is as nurturing and caring as Vlad the Impaler! (Read up on your history in case you don't know him)

I HAVE KILLED CACTUSES!!....(sorry my bro says correct form is Cacti).....(meh)

Anywhoooo~~! TOOODLES ..i must run now to catch that ice-cream truck that i hear

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Excited about school

That's right. For the first time ever i'm actually genuinely excited about going back to school.

So i start at Art Institute of Vancouver (aka AI) and going to be doing the culinary diploma program. Starts on July 6th.

Siiiiggghh i cant wait!!!!   XD


Monday, May 11, 2009

My new kitten

Aloha to you who is reading this.  :D
So I have gotten a new kitten on April 24th.
It's a girl kitty and her name is Mimi. Why Mimi? For some reason it just popped in my head and she responds to it.
So i got her from Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue. I like them because unlike SPCA they don't euthanize their animals.
Here's a good story for ya on how i picked her. I went to the shelter and there is a bunch of kitten running around and playing with by themselves with each other. However only one kitten actually paid attention to me and came upto me and started pawing at my foot. All the other kitten were 'meh' but Mimi wanted me to play with her. And that how i picked her and she is my baby!  XD   

Friday, May 8, 2009

Supernatural the show

Those of you going 'huh? what's this show called Supernatural?'
Be prepared to be smacked by me right now! >_<

Its a freaking awesome show! Seriously check it out because its worth it.
Not only you have an awesome duo there Jensen Ackels (Dean) & Jared Padalecki (Sam). The show has good acting, story and effects. And most significantly good songs. AC/DC is used very commonly in there.  And me likey!

Apparently it was rumored that it would end at 4th season. But guess what!? The Series was renewed!!  XD

So check it out! You will love it!......and if you hate it don't tell me unless you want to get hurt okay...


Friday, April 24, 2009

Sleep Pattern

Which currently i'm lacking horribly.
Well for some reason i couldn't sleep at all last night because i have this weird restless feeling.
Considering certain eventful things has had happened this month and well going through some of them now still.
Not helping the fact that there are things that are scaring me now too.
Funny how things that make me worry and depressed didn't exist just a few years ago.
Yay for growing up more  and more!!
Give me back my kindergarten days!!  >_<
When the only thing i had to worry about was someone not stealing my crayons and snacks.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Take Out

Ever had this happen to you?

You pick a restaurant. Order from their take out menu. You like the food and think "Hmm I'm going to keep this menu and order from it in the future"

But! When the time comes to just call the restaurant and order from their take out menu and do pick up, the menu is nowhere to be found. Its lost.

Well fear no more! Now here is an awesome site 

Just check it out. Convenient way for you to do takeouts now from various different types of cuisine.

You can also review, rate and recommend. Let people know if it made your tummy feel yummy or gave you the runny.

Anywhoooo TOODLES!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Its April

Wow its April already. 
March seemed to just fly by, darn.

Oh well not like anything significant happened in march. OOH! except my birthday  :D
Well this birthday was...eventful..and kinda sucked at the end. Someone else who would also agree with me and has had happened to them too was both our bday this year has been a bit embarrassing and awful.
Well actually both our bday party was bad. 

But my actual day of birth it was awesome. Someone stole flowers from me at work. And well i got to spend it with someone for the first time. hehehe yes I'm a dork.

Now all jokes aside, i think i really need to take a good look at myself. Not getting any younger for sure. I gotta go with what my gut says. I've decided on a certain thing i want to pursue now which i should've figured out sooner. Do i want it with passion? Yes i do.

Well toodles!  On my next post i will announce what i will be doing education/ future wise.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So on Monday a certain article just came into my knowledge. Its about this Austrian man and this i read in the free paper called 24.
An Austrian man (73) went on trial on a case of crimes against family members. He had imprisoned his own daughter for 24yrs and has fathered all seven of her kids. 
Best if you read this for now. Pretty much it contains everything that has happened in a nut shell.
Its revolting to see how sickening humans can be eh?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hair Salons

Its been a month since i had gotten my hair cut. I went short! XD. Last time i  had my hair short (as in up to my ears) was when i was 8yrs old.
Anywhoo i had to find a new hair dresser. So i found out about this hair salon in Yaletown called 'Moods'. And i was kinda nervous about trying someone new. I mean I've gone to the same hair dresser for the last 8yrs or so. So right now i have an awesome new hair dresser name Jaye. I really like my hair cut a lot. She really did a great job on it. It is an asymmetrical bob with side long bangs. 
Now my brother recently got his hair cut on Thursday.  By the way which my mom took him to few times before. His salon is ...umm...unique?.. I think that would be the word to describe it. The size of the salon is like the size of a master bedroom in a house. It has two couches and big TV hooked up to a stereo system in one corner. And two hair cutting chairs on one side with a sewing machine beside it. The lady at the salon also does alteration on the side too. And on the back of the room the whole wall is filled with toys, trinkets, figurines and mini statues on shelves. I saw an Indian barbie. 
Now here's the most awesome thing. In the middle of the room there is a golden pole. 
What is it used for you ask?....Well i picked up a theory while i was kinda scanning the walls in there. And then my theory became real. It a stripper pole do i know?...i saw photos on the walls. And whose photos?.....None other than the lady who was cutting my bro's hair at that moment (only a bit younger). And then my bro told me he found out from his pals. There is a rumor that that place turns into a strip club thingy after hours...... -_-  .......
Also this solves the mystery of why my bro stopped putting up a stink about going to hair salons to get his hair cut.......
Anywhoooo TOOODLES!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gonna be lonely...

Well there has been recent events which happened in my family.

On Wednesday night mom gets a phone call saying that my uncle (dad's younger bro) is missing. There was a mutiny going  inside the army and it became a bloodbath. Unfortunately my uncle is one of the Colonels. At that point we didn't know if he is dead or alive.

Just read some of the news on the net and you'll see what I'm talking about (on Bangladesh). 
So my parents left on Friday afternoon and wont be back till June 1st. And i swear if someone says 'oh its a perfect time to have a house party now' I'm gonna bitch slap the crap out of them. 

But I'll be doing something for my b-day i guess. Mum said i should, just to enjoy it a lil bit.  Which is not gonna happen. I haven't been without my mum on my birthday before. Its just she does things on my b-day to me (like affectionate gestures i mean), its gonna be a depressing. Example one thing we do the same is buy flowers, mostly with lilies in it. I do it for her b-day, mother's day too. Both her and mine favorite flower is lily.

Well all i do now is look after my bro (who btw has never been without mum ever). And just keep hoping my uncle is alive. I mean he's been to very dangerous places before and survived it. So I'm very sure he's still alive. :) . He's a very awesome dude. So many stories i have about him and me. He's the one who taught me pranks at my early age and he was like a fun big bro/ kid. Well he still is even though he has two young kids of his own. He's still a blast of fun.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friggin Monday

Blah this week started out bad for me.
But something awesome happened at work!
Hmm lets see it was kinda in the afternoon-ish time. All of the sudden there was this really horrible smell throughout the store.
And then i saw it (after a coworker of mine pointed out)...a lump of poo on the floor.....
and then about another 10ft away another plop of poop.
So here's what happened. Someone just shat themselves and as they walked around the store and then decided to use the washroom. 
Not only that, when the manager went to check the bathroom. There was shit everywhere!
Last time it happened was about a year ago or so i think. It was this really old man (above 85 or so) who couldn't hold it in while his way towards out public washroom. So he left a trail only in one of the aisle leading towards the bathroom. (not through out the store as the recent one).
Funny and really shocking thing is, this guy who did it on Monday was only in his mid-late 20's!
AND! It was also the same coworker who found it last time. And he unfortunately was walking behind the senior dude at that time, with his lunch in his hand.
BLAH! my back is kinda hurting now cuz of all i can do is stand. FRACK!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Good news and bad news

Something awesome happened on Saturday (14th)!. I have found for the first time ever MANGO PIE!  XD

I found it at Save on Foods by metrotown. Well i forgot to buy the fresh mango cake and when i remembered the bakery was kinda to far away to go back to. (boo). Kinda sucked because the owner of the bakery saw me at work and told me they made fresh ones. (the bakery is right by my workplace).

Oh right lets move to mango pie. Well i was pretty freaking happy and excited and yes i did buy it (well not me someone else did...who i say thank you to :D ) comes the bad news.....

It was a disappointment :'( . It didn't  taste mango-y at all! The fruit inside kinda felt like peach or something of that sort to me. Dammit! I swear on this blog as witness when mango season is full on I'm gonna make an actual honest tasting mango pie! OOH! And yes mango season is coming pretty sooooon!...I saw, i forgot if its was Superstore or Save On but at one of those store they had fresh mango...kinda looked unripe though but i can wait  hehehh :P


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weird Dream

I've been at home sick since Friday. Pretty much i was stuck to my bed all day yesterday. And I'm so restless and bored now! >_<
Anywhooo I had a weird dream which has to do with this blog. For some reason it became a sex blog! Not only was i blogging about my adventures in the land of sex but i was documenting other peoples as well. 
Why the hell did i see it? I have no freaking idea. Rest assured that type of thing will never happen from me....unless its anonymous  >_> ....... hah! just kiddding ^_^
Okay so now i gotta figure out how to kill at least 6 to 8hrs before i go to sleep. BLAH! I can't wait for work tomorrow! XD

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I have a public announcement to make. *ahem*  *ahem*
Another reason why i cant wait till summer time is because its MANGO season! Pretty much I like anything that has mango. And yes i mean anything. From mango cake to mango liquorice to mango printed underwear to any freaking thing with mango. 
Hmm well I found any mango printed underwear actually but please let me know if anyone comes across one. OOOH! Although i did find mango scented shampoo/conditioner (by Alba). I'm waiting until i finish with the bunch of hair stuff that i have now, or else mum said she is gonna start throwing it away. 
Well I really do have too much products (body lotions/shampoo/soap/toilet junk) already -_- . Its just i cant help it, i get curious anytime i see a new thing and if i  like how it is (or its on sale) i end up buying it ^_^" .  Its also kinda hard to avoid them seeing how i do work in that department sssiiiggghh. Well still i haven't seen any mango soap..well there is a this mango-tangerine body wash which I'm using, but it would be nice if it was just mango without the tangerine :( .
At one point I was eating dried mangoes everyday. Which i had to stop myself eventually because those things have a lot of sugar -_-. Oh yeah and best dried mango i have found so far is by this company called 'Cebu' from Philippines and you can find it at TNT supermarket or any Filipino stores.
Also good Mango gelato which i found at this store in Oakridge Center called 'Vivo Gelato'. I dunno i tried Mario's Gelato, it was kinda meh tasting but the Vivo had a strong mango-y taste :D
Something i would like to do is cook with mango. Well I'm waiting on someone to give me their recipe on Mango Chicken. I think it might be a curry type dish. But oh well it has mango so its all gooooooooood!
OOOH! and i love fresh mango cake! The one that had like ribbon of mangoes covering it. Well the Mango mousse cake is okay but i would prefer the other one. Hmm darn it i passed by a bakery today where they make those cakes fresh and i should have bought one....booo :(
OOOH! Only once have i found Mango Cider! It was at my work's Xmas party and i only had one because they ran out  :'''''(  .....and i haven't found any since then. I swear if i find it again, I'm gonna drink all except I will be keeping a full bottle for my Museum of Mango collection.  

Yes I'm making a shrine of mango (possibly in my closet) to show my ultimate love for it! XD


Friday, January 30, 2009


Everyone has very different types of fear. Some rational and some irrational that it just seems very stupid to others.
I am afraid of pregnant women. Seriously they have this lil landmine in their stomach. I tend to keep my distance from them at all times -_- ....because you never know, what if you trip and fall and bump into their belly and they go into forced labour!.....which is another scary thing....babies being born are scary too....yes i have seen it -_-

Also I have a fear of the dark. Not because there are monsters or bogeyman. Its because in the dark you don't know what is in there. Its just the uncertainty of the unknown which makes me paranoid.

Lastly which would be the biggest fear; fear of losing people. Sure you can say people die and i accept that because i have no control over it. If i get attached to someone (which i tend to very easily due to my puppy dog nature -_-) it hurts when you lose them (as in their friendship or something else). I hate to be forgotten or abandoned by someone. But hey the feelings that you have for them (no matter how strong) will very rarely be the same as they have for you.  Yet if its like I'm 'giving' myself so much and feeling vulnerable at times I would forget that in an instant when they give you their attention and be with you.
Well that's all for now. I gotta start getting ready and head to work yay!


Monday, January 26, 2009

My Lovely Customers

Well i work at a retail store. Have been there for a lil over 2yrs i believe. Anywhoo today i had two customers who had problems with their nipples -_- . 'Holy fuck why me!' what went through my head at both times. 
First lady asked me if the nail-bitter (thing you put on nails to prevent from biting nails) is safe enough to put on her nipples so that it would discourage/stop her son from have late night munchies on her boobs. Seriously  -_-....... one; you don't put that chemical on your nipples! and second; why don't you give that baby a nail polish to suck on while you are at it! 
Second customer....a dude...with a lil girl toddler (so cute). So he needs something for his wife who has a blister kinda on her nipple. And she is a breast-feeding. So i show ask him to follow me to the lanolin stuff and guess what he leaves his daughter behind.  So i point out that it would be a good idea if he brings his daughter along. And he goes "oh right right -insert kid's name- come along now".... wtf -_- ...irresponsible...
Sssiiiggghh....and then stupid lady who was freaking whiny about using organic crap and hwy didn't we carry more 'organic' soaps and junk....well when she was whining i was near by but she was talking with another co-worker of mine. BUT! ....i had to deal with her about questions on purifier.... What she basically wanted was to get rid of the cooking smell that her downstairs tenant make. Which she said after freaking 15min after whining about the price and the way some of them look like... -_-
So basically air purifiers kills the germs in your air and makes the air cleaner. Its benefitial to; asthma patients, if you live right by the main hi traffic road area you get a lot of pollution also if there is a kids or babies in the house it just kills the germs in the air. So it does not remove the cooking smell. So i said that line about freaking 5times and for some fucking reason its like she hasn't heard it at all! So I'm freaking close to telling her to go shove some cork up her nose. So instead;
Me: "What you need is not an air purifier, you need an air freshener"
Stupid Lady: "Oh really you means all that spray stuff with the chemicals?"
Me: "No no we have and organic one which is safe for the environment and harmful chemical free"
Stupid Lady: "Oh that's good i like organic and i care about the environment too"
.....oh reeeeeaaaalllyyy......well bitch you should know that air purifier which you were bent on getting generates freaking ozone!  >_<

Okie dokie....i think I'm good now.......  XD

Thursday, January 22, 2009

After a week (plus a day)

So hows it looking? Messy right? Well still work in progress, kinda just mucking around with the html coding because i have no idea -_- . I just think 'hmm what will happen if i delete this and add that' and do it. Perhaphs that's why things kinda looks clunky in the design. 
I might have to kill the background and keep it simple. Maybe its my browser but it takes time for it to load. So far i like the sidebar the way it turned out but kinda have to fix the footer design. Oh well more work to be done woohoo! XD


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Template making

Hiya y'all!

Well lets see its been a week i think since i last touched photoshop to make a blog template. NOT as easy as it seemed to me at the moment. But i will finish one dammit! >_<   Don't care if its the crappiest of crap looking blog template from craptown. It will be made! and functional!. Functional is what its not being. Its all pretty nice looking and everything but just not working. Why? No freaking idea -_- ......but not gonna give up on this (yay my stuborness). Might take a few months or so or years or decades or centuries. And that is all therefore i bid ya adieu.

Monday, January 5, 2009
