Sunday, August 16, 2009

A very bad kid

I was just bitten by a kid few minutes ago.
The teeth marks left are pretty deep.

Why did he bite me? Lemme explain.

He wanted to play with my kitten Mimi. I refused to let him do so because earlier on he had grabbed her by the tail and swung her around.
Since i said no he threw a bloody fracking tantrum and bit me!
I was already mad at him before that when he hurt Mimi and this time i was really close to smacking him.

What did his mum do? N-O-T-H-I-N-G!  No disciplinary or corrective action whatsoever!

Seriously i hate parents who are just too laid back with their kids and not teaching them any manners or courtesy at all! >_<

Yes i'm still angry now....that asshole kid hurting my lil kitty...

1 comment:

  1. A) do you know this kid?
    B) did you say anything to the parents.
    C) did you know some cultures eat cats?

    I never tried because of allergy reasons. hehe
