Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gonna be vegetarian

Hiya y'all!

So i made a decision on becoming a vegetarian (lets see how long that last -_-) but not forever ...maybe...

I'll be eating fish and tofu and the mock-meat (which might be bad, cuz most contain genetically modified soybeans)
Well the thing is i like this is gonna be hard. But if i do really really crave meat and must have it, then i'm gonna go with free-range-organic-feed meat.

Kudos, to people who are vegetarian and specially vegans. Vegans has to be the hardest lifestyle in my opinion. It takes lot of effort to buy food cuz you have to read the ingredients all the time.

I made the decision after watching a documentary called Food Inc. (<--link to trailer) and watching this video

Yeah, that made me grossed out and turned off meat. Its like when someone asked me recently if i ever saw a cow's eyes, and guess what they look like human eyes in a way.
And more cautious about produce items.

And unfortunately i will be handling and cooking meat. Part of the job description on being a cook.

So yeah if you do like meat and wanna stick to eating meat. Buy from the local farms and buy free-range-organic-fed meats. There is lots of store around and in Vancouver that offer those products. Just it cost more than your average Superstore meats.

Otay! Toodles! ...blah this post kinda feels lame.....anywhoo...5weeks of school left till semester is over