Dear blog,
Sorry i've neglected you once again for 4 months. Which is not bad i guess, since last time i've neglected you for 7months. So lets catch up eh?
So my new work place which i last talked about is going really well.
I've become much more comfortable and less shy (...or hermit-ish). I like the whole vibe at the restaurant.
Compared to my last place i worked at, i'm much more happier.
Lets rant about my last workplace shall we?
One, it was difficult to get there. It took one hour in transit and another half hour hike to get to the restaurant.
The hiking part is actually scary! There is no one around and i had to walk through quiet forest-y area..(and it doesn't help that my over thinking imagination starts playing horror movies in my head -_-)
Two, pay sucked ass and hours were unreliable. I didn't get the hours i was promised when i signed on.
Three, front house staff............hmm how do i describe them.......I rather cuddle an angry porcupine on crack than deal with them -__-
Perhaps they were all bipolar.... they were awesome friendly with customer but they were completely rude to the kitchen staff
Anywhoo...since i brought this attitude to HR's attention...i wasn't liked at all (even more)...and i didn't even bother with them, if you don't like me...well you can go suck it :)
Four, i hated seeing the sous chef's hairy ass crack -_-''............i feel pukey now
The only good thing was that i could get away from the restaurant time to time. I would instead be working as pastry cook for wedding (other events)....cuz then i would be by myself in a huuuuuge kitchen in my own section...without anyone bothering me. :D
Allllrighty...that's it for today...XD
TOOOODLES for now....i promise i'll be back real soon to write more....i'm thinkin about starting a vlog channel on youtube...but we'll see if it happens or not