Saturday, December 19, 2009

2nd Semester Ended

Well i'm actually sad that 2nd semester ended. It seems like it went by really fast.
The reason why 2nd semester was awesome is the 3 kitchen classes.
I will miss baking cuz  the chef there is hilarious and so friendly. And the looong breaks we got in class too lol....oh yeah, i'm gonna miss the kitchen aid :(

And then there is World Cuisine class, i will really miss my awesome team i worked with there. Working with those guys was fun, and we got our shit done fast. I will miss team awesome-o.

And the one i will miss most is NARC class. The chef who teaches it is really encouraging, fun, generous, motivating and just plain awesome! First day what he said was "Dont ask. Just take watever shit you can find in the fridge and make whatever you like"
Gonna miss his childish pranks and teasing too. :)

Well semester i have only two kitchen class :( ...and TWO was hard to handle one theory class at 2nd semester. Probably i should keep lumps of sugar with me from now on in school...

So yeah now begins my two-weeks break. 

AND! In 4days my buddie from Montreal is coming to Vancouver!! XD 
Yes I've been excited and waiting for 3weeks now!

Well Tooodles my noodles! 

Friday, December 4, 2009

Stupid Skytrain Rant

Yes, now its time for me to let off some rants about our lovely skytrain  :)

Lets start with the fucked up skytrain ride today:

I caught the train around 8:30
The bloody train would stop on the tracks before the station for 3mins and then wait at the station for 5mins....
My trip time has always been it took me freaking 15minutes!!

Few people were really late to class cuz of that....except for them the train would stop at the station and then go backwards and then forwards and then backwards....

Now about yesterday:
It was 9:15am and the train was freaking packed... so i wait (with the other people) to let the passengers out before we go in...
.and then as soon as we are about to step inside the door slams shut!....and then the train just stood there for a while and left.....that was just fucked up!

So apparently 34 new trains were introduced this year........
AND! there are 14 more to come....

Seriously?........they are spending money on 'upgrading' station with pretty constructions.......spend the fucking money on a better system! one that doesn't malfunction!!

OH! apparently Translink is 'considering' a fare increase which might (will be) affective from April 2010  (news here )

Toodles mon amigos!